Ringo Starr

Ringo Starr is in favour of Brexit – but he doesn’t want Bob Geldof to know. The Beatles legend has revealed that, unlike his former bandmate Sir Paul McCartney, he supports Britain’s decision to leave the European Union (EU), although he doesn’t plan to tell the politically-conscious musician of his thoughts.

He said: “The people voted and, you know, they have to get on with it.

“Suddenly, it’s like, ‘Oh, well, we don’t like that vote. What do you mean you don’t like that vote? You had the vote, this is what won, let’s get on with it.”

During an appearance on BBC’s ‘Newsnight’, Ringo reiterated his support for the plan to leave Europe, before adding: “But don’t tell Bob Geldof.”

By contrast, Sir Paul previously admitted he didn’t vote in the EU referendum because he was on tour at the time.

But he said: “I think I would have come down on the remain side because people like the Governor of the Bank of England, a lot of financial experts, were saying that.”

Meanwhile, Ringo recently admitted he reads spiritual books to get himself “through the day”.

The 77-year-old former Beatles member revealed the secrets to his good health, admitting his vegetarian diet and spiritual routine have been the keys to his longevity.

He explained: “I have a meditation practice. I pray to the god of my understanding, and I read spiritual books – day-at-a-time books, things like that that help you get through the day.”